Suggestions for keeping the house clean when you have a dog who is messy

May 26, 2022

Suggestions for keeping the house clean when you have a dog who is messy

If there's something we are aware of is the importance of keeping a tidy and healthy house. Additionally, our pets are our best companions. We've put together this pet-friendly list of suggestions to prevent the fur and dirt from taking over your home.

  • Regular grooming. One of the main pet owners' complaints is the hair, the tangled clumps that cover the floorboards, or the upholstered couch that was once white but has now become whatever color your dog is. Regular grooming can help reduce the amount of hair shed. There is no need to visit an expert groomer; simply groom your dog at least once a week. It can be a great way to bond with your dog and will help to strengthen your connection. Cleanse outside if you are able to and reduce the amount of skin debris within the house that could cause allergies. Regular bathing is essential to reduce your "dog stink." Clean dogs are a vital part of an environment that is clean and tidy.

  • Clean up paws that are muddy before they enter the house. Keep an extra towel and perhaps a small tub of water by the doorway to clean the paws when your dog comes into the house from the backyard or after a walk. 

  • Exercise your dog regularly. Don't be lazy with your walks. A bored dog can be an unruly dog. Bring your dog for regularly scheduled walks (or runs, depending on what breed you have). Offer them toys to play with while they're in the house or out in the yard so that they can focus on their enjoyable activities, that is, not taking the stuffing from the bulbs or pillows from the garden.

  • Put a placemat on the dish your pet eats in. It is best to choose a placemat that will be easily cleaned using soap and water or a mat or rug that you could put in the washer along with a load every other week. This can help minimize the risk of splashing food and water. As we're discussing the topic, make sure you use stainless steel or silicone that is non-porous dishes for water and food for your pet's food. Plastics with pores are a breeding ground for bacteria that could cause harm to your pet.

  • Vacuum as much as you can. There is no other way to avoid it. Even if you're washing your dog's hair as well as wiping them clean, there's always going to be dirt and pet hair within the home. It's inevitable. The more you clean more often, the better. For us, we suggest families with pets sweep the entire house every week, at a minimum, in areas that are frequented. They should be cleaned more often. If you have pets or children, it is possible to vacuum the entire house twice a week. It's quite a bit of work; however, it can greatly improve the quality of your life.
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