The KonMari Method can change your life. Be like everyone and pack in waves while you move. You’ll be relieved of all the hassle. Do not stop until the process is complete. You can thank us later.
The KonMari method’s central idea is to eliminate everything you don’t need. It is important not to do it halfway. Otherwise, it will always be on your “to-do” lists forever. Allow yourself to spend time at your disposing.
For some, it can take up to six weeks. Keep everything first. You should have all the things you need to make a decision about what to keep. You’ll be able to decide which things to remove from your home. This may seem absurd to you. However, we believe this will help to decide which items you should keep.
A closet full of clothing that we don’t love or wear often is pointless. They occupy valuable places in our houses. Today is the day that you can let go of a sweater that you didn’t feel comfortable wearing. It may take several years for you to reach this point. But you only wore it once in all that time. Maybe even more.
Make sure you have a place for everything. It is crucial to organize your items! Storage is so important! The clutter we have in our homes is caused by things that don’t fit into a given place. Keep storage simple. You don’t have to spend to get fancy organization items. Use what you already have.
After years of experience in organizing, we have some organizational tips. All you need are small plastic containers, small baskets, small totes, baskets, or boxes. You might be interested in coordinating baskets or containers. But it is all about finding a home.
Therefore, start with what you have. You shouldn’t disperse storage spaces. This will save you money on buying multiples of any item as everything will be in one place. Your only problem area is the first aid products for your family.
You may be keeping them in the pantry, hall linen closet, or in your linen closet in the bathroom. It is no surprise that we are constantly looking for things when we need them. All your first aid items will move to one location this weekend. This means that there will be no treasure hunts when someone bleeds. There it is.
These are the key points of the KonMari Method for tidying things up. While we may disagree with some viewpoints, we will admit that the tidying is sound. It’s also driven by lots of trial and error. Finally, you can learn how to be tidy. It’s something we naturally do while others don't. But it is possible to teach it. Just one step at a time.
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